Trekking in Sardinia

Trekking in Sardinia

A mysterious island Hits: 1284

Sardinia is the ideal place for people fond on walking. Everywhere nature is wild and spotless and its extraordinary beauty offers a wide variety of landscapes for different and astonishing excursions. Climate is fine.

In Autumn and Spring temperature is mild and rains are poor: everything is perfect for excursions. Summer time is not so much recommended because of the intense heat.

Trekking is quite a new activity in Sardinia even if it is getting more and more popular; in fact new areas are visited and new paths indicated. So far there are only a few paths signed with spots of paint which sometimes fade and are often covered by the vegetation and hard to follow: this is why it is important to have a professional guide with you.

On the calcareous tablelands of Supramonte, in the heart of Sardinia, there are extraordinary sceneries and wide landscapes. Feelings of freedom and loneliness are the rule and slow rhythms are a must to better appreciate the beauty of nature and face the hardest parts that some trails might have. Gorroppu canyon, Punta Corrasi, Cusidore, Campu Donianicoro and Su Sercone are traditional destinations for excursions. There are demanding itineraries also in the Gulf of Orosei which, on the other hand, offer really unique landscapes. This territory looks like Supramonte but is enriched by the beauty of the sea and a coastline which is among the most beautiful in Sardinia.

“Selvaggio blu” (The wild blue) is an itinerary that stretches along the Gulf of Orosei and lasts for a few days. It is considered one of the nicest and most difficult trekking in Europe. In some passageways you may have to be familiar with some alpine techniques: short climbing and abseiling.

Easier trails are suggested in Gallura, in the North East part of Sardinia, where Dedalo guides suggest new, easier and very beautiful excursions open to everybody. An example is the itinerary that starts in Berchiddeddu and after two hours of a nice and easy walk on hills and valleys, surrounded by granite rocks and Mediterranean bush, leads to the countryside church of S. Paolo the hermit.

From Autumn to Spring time you may walk through beautiful itineraries along the desert Gallura coast, appreciate the beauty of the granite landscapes and visit important archaeological sites. We must not forget that 50 km south from Olbia there is the calcareous harsh landscape of the Montalbo known as the “white mountain” because of the dazzling colour of its rock.
On Montalbo nature is as wild as on Supramonte but trails are easier and itineraries are open to everybody.
